Safety Planning

Resources for Survivors of Family Violence in Ottawa and Region

Family violence can take many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, intimidation or harassment, psychological, spiritual, and financial abuse. Often, more than one form of abuse is used, along with manipulation tactics that transfer responsibility for the abuse from the abuser to the survivor. At the heart of all family violence is the abuser’s need for power and control.

If you have experienced family violence, it is important to have a safety plan in place. This is true even your partner has never physically assaulted you. Since you’re most familiar with your situation, you’ll need to take an active role in making a unique plan for yourself and any children or pets.

Safety planning is an active process. You have to review and revise your plan as your situation changes.

Resources in Ottawa

Ottawa has a number of resources to help you make your safety plan. Here are some we recommend:

Online Resources

There are a number of tools online that will help you prepare a safety plan and access resources:

Family Court Support Workers

If you are a survivor of family violence and going through the family court process, you may be able to get free help from a family court support worker. They can help you prepare for court, refer you to services and supports in the community, help with safety planning, and accompany you to court proceedings where appropriate. There is no financial eligibility for this free service. Learn more here.

If you are planning to leave your abuser you should be aware that, generally speaking, you are in the most danger at the end of the relationship even after you physically leave the situation.


Free Divorce Mediation Checklist


Resolutions for Separated Parents